Aidyn is in his second year of preschool. He has grown so much it amazes me everyday! He makes me so happy!
He is spelling his name and recognizing letters and can spell a couple of words. He is interested in anything and everything.
We just finished our first soccer season! Jon coached and he loved it! He did a great job!
Aidyn was reluctant at the first of the season but by the end he didnt want to stop playing he wanted to be in the whole game!! Its so much fun watching him!
We had a very busy summer, as always! We did take a weekend trip to California and went to the Redwoods and hit everything we could on the way! We had the best time! Aidyn loved the trip he loved staying at the hotels he thought that was so fun! Jon or I hadnt been to the Redwoods so that was amazing and you wouldnt think a 4 yr old would be interested but he loved it too. We went to the prehistoric Gardens with all the neat dino's Aidyn loved that he had the map and was out little tour guide!!
We did a little camping! We took Aidyn to the races which he loves and wanted to go every weekend! We were gone way too much didnt get much done at the house which I regret!!
Next spring we start on that!!
Its almost Halloween, AJ is going to be a Tranformer "Optimus Prime".
We are have a Halloween party this weekend cant wait its going to be so fun!!
Well I guess thats a little catch up. I will add photos on another day!!
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